MA/RI Sabbatical Ministry Program
We know that in order for the MA/RI District to grow, its existing churches must experience growth. One of the potential challenges to growth in some of our churches is the over extension of the local pastors. We consistently hear about the challenges that surround bi-vocational pastors and even pastors of smaller or emerging churches. One challenge presented is the need for the pastor and his family to take vacations or even have time to go to a conference and be spiritually fed themselves. This is a challenge for the following reasons:
The MA/RI District has adopted a new program to help overcome these challenges called the “Sabbatical Ministry Program”. The program consists of the following elements:
Sabbatical Application Form
Mail form to:
Rev. Kevin Horne / PO Box 2188 / Pawtucket, RI 02861
Rev. Kevin Horne / PO Box 2188 / Pawtucket, RI 02861